I'm really having to search for my motivation this week to stay on program!!! I'll be missing my Weight Watchers meeting tomorrow night. Every February for the last four years (this is my 5th) I've been the coordinator at work for a Dominican Experience trip for some of the students. Tomorrow after school were having a retreat for the kids followed by a parent meeting. It's going to be a loooooong day, I'll be at the school for at least 14 hours! Needless to say I won't be making my meeting or able to weigh in.
I'm very lucky though I don't go to a meeting in the city, my area has two meetings a week. I'll have to get up early *sigh* and go Saturday morning. Which won't be a bad thing since this will allow me to enjoy Christmas lunch out with the secretaries tomorrow, and we'll be ordering in some sort of dinner in as well. So I'll have a few days to let my body recover form more calories than usual and of course all the salt that goes into restaurant prepared foods which I'm sire will lead to some water retention for a day or two.
Today I finally completed Week 3 of my C25K program! It should of been done on Saturday, but we spent the day with friends ... Like all day till midnight! Then Sunday morning they invited us out for breakfast. So I didn't do any exercise all weekend!
Now you might think it strange that I couldn't exercise on Sunday, it was just breakfast right? Well, quite a few years ago I was diagnosed with exercise induced anaphylaxis. Yes, you read that right... I'm allergic to exercise! What food it is we don't know but it's caused by ingesting something that you will develop an allergic reaction to if you exercise within 3-4 hours of eating that food. We haven't found out what food it is, but I do know its happened after I've eaten at restaurants. If I exercise after eating out I will start by breaking out in hives, always starting in my scalp. Very quickly I'm covered from head to toes and can start developing welts. Then I start having trouble breathing and I start passing out, coming to and passing out again.
Scary isn't it? I've ended up in the ER twice because of this (before diagnosis) one time I passed out alone, on a dirt road with no phone on me, I had left it at home because my battery was dead.
Now I never go out running after I eat out. I never go out without my phone and epipen. I should have a runners ID but I don't. That I'll purchase on the spring. I have set routes that are in populated areas, I always tell Todd which one I'm taking and how long I should be.
I've not had a bad reaction in a king time now, I've had hives a few times ... But I don't like taking chances!
- thanks for reading!